Admix High Shear In-tank Batch Mixing Rotostat High Shear Emulsifier

Rotostat High Shear Emulsifier

Benefits of Rotostat High Shear Emulsifier include:

  • Optimum shear rate and tank circulation.
  • Superb emulsion stability for extended shelf life.
  • Dramatically reduces batch times.
  • Eliminates fisheyes and agglomerates.
  • High viscosity capability (50,000 CPS) at minimum power levels.
  • All stainless mix head, shaft, drive and motor available.
  • 100% lump-free emulsification of oil/water, starches, gums, CMC, HPMC, syrups and other high viscosity solutions.
  • Lab models and production sizes up to 100 HP.
Mixer Model: 
Rotostat High Shear Emulsifier
Mixer Series Family: 
Admix High Shear In-tank Batch Mixing
Applicable Industries: 
Food and Beverage